Vorschläge für Frieden in Nahost

Liebe FreundInnen! Hier übermitteln wir Euch ein paar gute Erkenntnisse und Vorschläge für den Frieden in Nahost, um den gerade in Washington, Israel und Palästina gerungen wird. Die folgenden Kommentare wurden auf der UN-Seite von myspace veröffentlicht:

01. Sep. 2010 18:10
Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis.

Many of us would have already asked the Question, what is the Synthesis? Even I myself asked and searched, and here is the Answer I’ve gotten. It is said that the Thesis is equal to the Love. The Antithesis is equal to the Hate. The Synthesis, the Synthesis is the Love in Higher Form. She Feeds the Hate and give’s it, it’s Peace and all what is Hate, is then Desolved and Transformed, into the Higher Love. If all those People who’ve Dreamt, Wished, Prayed and Lived a Life for a Better World, where Equalrights and Justice on Peacefull Terms are Acheived. If such People would Join themselves Together and be as one in Harmony like the Orchestra of God. Where we all Sing the same Song, the same Melody in One Acord and Dance to the same Tune. How Beautifull and oh how Wonderfull, would the Earth Shine in His Splendour!!!!!!! Love would be the Order of the Day!!!!!!! And Hate and War? It would be no more, and the Earth would know God and Live in His Higher Love!!!!!!!

Namaskar Jah Love

01. Sep. 2010 18:09
Peace Talks Israel and Palistina.

Today is a very Important day for Talks of Peace in America between Israel and Palistina! Today will decide which way Mankind chooses to go. Towards the old Customs of Seperation and Selfishness, or the Way to a Constructive and Fundamental (Constructive as in Construction-Fundamental as in FundSpending) Plan towards Unity (Sharing, which is the Basic Principal of Equalrights and Justice) in order to Acheive Peace!

Here is a Proposal which was Taught and worked out for this Purpose:

We see it possible to Acheive Understanding between Israelians and Palistinians. In Form of a Constructive Fundamental Instrument, which could Serve both sides as a Long Term Project towards Developing Trust and Security (Peace).
The Begin of this Project askes “Both Sides” to come to an Agreement towards the Interest of Both their Folks and their Needs, and to Leave Conviction behind them, and Look Towards a Better Relationship Towards each other by Helping the Needs of their FellowBrothers and FellowSisters!!!!!!!

Namaskar Jah Love

01. Sep. 2010 18:08
Peace Talks Israel and Palistina

Our First Proposal is as such: Seeing that Israel is Responsable for the lost Homes which went lost during the War in 2009 through the Bombing of some Areas in Palistina. It should be Possible that Palistina in a Joint Venture with the Help of Israel, Rebuild those Homes of the Palastinian People which went lost!
1. This Could turn some of the Rath away which some Palistinians have against some Israelians and would have Path the Way for a New Begin!
2. It gives Israelians and Palistinians the Chance to Work Together and become aquanted with Each Other!
3. Israel would have Desolved some of it’s bad Karma through this Good Deed, and some Palistinians would have won more Trust because of this Good Will!.
4. The Israelians wouldn’t have to fear that the Palistinians are Building Tunnels because they themselves would be Delivering the Construction Material and would be Working together on the Construction Buildings with the Palistinians!
5. The Israelians would have the Chance to see for themselves, how the People of Palistina Suffer and under which Conditions they Live!
6. Last but not Least, those Homeless Women and Children of Palistina would have become a Home once again and surely would be very Happy about it!
Palistina could give Israel a chance to Finish their Actual Construction Project and in a matter of One year begin with that of the Palistinians!
This should be made Official and Documented as an Agreement!!!!!!!
Please know and Understand that this is a First Possible Step Towards Peace and Understanding for Both Sides!!!!!!!
The United Nations could Coordinate this Project!!!!!!!

Namaskar Jah Love