A Comment Tageschance Hour of Power:


A Comment Tageschance

Hour of Power: Blessings

Oh let the Power fall on I oh Lord

Oh let the Power fall on I

Oh let the Power of Heaven, fall on I

Oh let the Power fall on I.


The Lord Christus be Gracious unto you and Bless you

The Lord Shine's down His Continance upon you and Guide and Protect you

The Lord Raises up His Continance upon you and give unto you Peace.


Bobby Schuller, a Fantistic young Man with a Vision. A New form to Interprit the New Testiment.

We Love Hour of Power, we Love you Bobby!!!!!!!!!

Namaskar Jah Love


A Form of Healing. Healing Hands:

We can Develop and Practice the process of Healing through a simple form of Communication.

(e.g) Clase both your hands together, place them before your mouth, part the Thumbs in the middle as if you wanted to make a hole in your hands. Now speak, The Lord's Prayer. Father ours in Heaven. Do this Daily when possible, (when possible means, at any time of the day, yet, better it would be when a special 3 minutes at, a certain time of the day is, reserved for this purpose only). This brings a form of a Ritual with it, what is at the same time a Continuancy at, that certain time of the day, this on the other hand becomes a Structure with a Principal. It's like the constant drop of Water on the Hard Stone. Through Years of Constant droops, is the Stone Carved.

On the Physical and Psycological planes, through the Vibration of the Words, waves of Healing Energies of Rays of Light Particals flows through the pores of the hand shaking and Aktivating our Blood Cells which Streams to our Hearts with Purifying Vitality and rushing to our Brains, doth it Inhance us and giveth a feeling of Overwhelming Peace and Grace within.

This form of Healing is very effective. After a Year, one feel's themselves Purified and is also able to Help Purify others Physically with the hands. It is an other form of Purifying oneself.

This occures on a Basis what is compatable with the Natural process of ones Evolutionary Growth and not as something unnatural. Some people read formulars or do some kind of other rituals to develop super powers and when they have gotten these powers they know not how to controll them and at the end, such powers can be distructive to oneself and unto others. This is not the case by the above mentioned practice.

Grooming as a Healing Process:

Try Grooming a sick person Tree Weeks long with your hands every day and see what happens, if that person feels better. Here is what you do!

The ill person could be in a lieing or standing position it does'nt matter. Put your hands together where as, the hands are open and only the Thumbs are touching each other. Now, place the hands about 10 cm over the Head of that person without touching that person, and beginn from the Head, seprtating the hands over the shoulder, down to the waste, the legs and down to the feet and Repeat this process several times. By a standing person you can also do the sides and the back.

By this doing you are Grooming the Aura of that person as if you would be pressing a washed shirt that is full of pleats and folds. As you use the pressing Iron to press out the wrinkels out of that shirt, so are you pressing out the wrinkels out of that persons Aura and automatically the sickness out of the Physical, what makes ill.

Have you a dog at home, try this with your dog, remember to keep the distance from about 10 cm so that you dont touch the dog's fell. Try this and you shall see how the dog reacts. The dog feels how your Aura Grooms his Aura and that is soothing for the dog, sometimes the dog can fell himself irritated seeing that this is a new form of streaming for him, but do it and you'll see a difference, he'll get more vital.

An other form is through the Meditation.

The Wisdoms of the Religions and Cults:

The Free Masion Teaches:

Every Person is like a rough stone who needs to file on His/Her rough edges. Only through Constant filing can we become the Jewel what our Carver wishes of us. If our Carver is God, then we shall Glance in His Shine and surely He, shall see His Immage in His Light what we Reflect back unto Him. In every Stone there is Light, if not, when someone had filed and polished the raw stone, it would'nt shine, but it shines because the stone is out of the Light which is God.

Buddhism Teaches:

Maitreya Buddha the World Teacher once said about the atheist: leave the atheist if He/She wishes to believe on the Stone, maybe one day they would find God there, for even the Stone, God have made it.

About enemies:

Maitreya Buddha was onced asked by a Guru: What is Jesus trying to explain when He say's „Love your enemy, forgive them and Prey for those who Persecute you, how can you Love your enemy?“

Maitreya answered: when you look at your enemy who do you see, dont you see your Brother standing before you? How then can you call your Brother your enemy?

Most of the times, the things what we hate most about our enemies, are the things what we possibly have already left behind us and we are afraid to return back unto them seeing that these things were not Virtues but just Burdens unto us. An other alternative could be that we fear to approach these things one day in our Lifes, seeing that they lay before us as an examination what needs be passed. Most Students go into the examination room with fear, and even though they know the answeres to the problem or questions asked, still their panic is more than their calmliness at that moment and they could fail. A third alternative is that the so called enemy is doing that what we do or what we wanted to do and this have developed in ones Hearts and Heads envy against that person or persons. Many reasons could be found why we see an enemy in our Brothers or Sisters. Most of the times they reflect who we are in our inner taughts. Through their reactions towards us, we sometimes see ourselves in their behaviours and this creates fear in us.

Most of the times we fear most of all the, Unexpected moment and with this fear comes also the fear for the so called Stranger and what he/she could bring with them. The new (the Change) is always a threat for those who seems Glued to their old Lifestyles . There's a song sung by Lou Rolls called Every thing must Change“ nothing stays the same.“

About Cursing:

If we curse and wish bad for others, we must recond that all this would return unto us one day. What goes around comes around.


May the One Holy God Bless, Guide and Protect us all.

May this blessings of Guidance and Protection give us the Faith to keep on keeping on with the Good Works as Servants of His will and His Plan.

Namaskar Jah Love