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A Comment Tageschance Blessed Easter 2018:

A Comment Tageschance


Blessed Easter 2018:


The Lord Christ be Mercifull unto you and Bless you

The Lord Christ Shines down His Continance upon you and Guide and Protect you

The Lord Christ Raises up His Continance upon you and give you Peace, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed is all the Earth and all what is in and upon it, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed are the Youth (the young People of the Earth), Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed is the Master Benjamin Creme, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed is the Pope Francis and his Ministry, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed is the Dalai Lama and his Ministry, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed is Venezeula, it's People and it's President and his Ministry, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed is Korea (North and South) it's People, it's Presidents and their Ministries, Amen!!!!!!!!!


The Light, the Love and the Power of Christ rest down upon you all and Bless you, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Christ is the Light of the Earth and in Him is the Spirit of God. Through this Light shall all be brought to Salvation and be Saved, Amen!!!!!!!!!


I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and he/she who Believes in me shall Live and not Die, saith the Lord Christ, Amen!!!!!!!!!


I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one cometh unto the Father but through me, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Maitreya the Christ ( and Holy Father of Jesus said: For those who knoweth me not but, commeth unto my Son Jesus, even there shall he/she find me, Amen!!!!!!!!!


Blessed is the Christ of the New Age of Aquarius, the Lord Maitreya Buddha, the World Teacher, and His Son Jesus Christ, Amen, Amen, Amen, Selah!!!!!!!!!


Blessed Easter 2018 in the Name of Christ!!!!!!!!!


The Peace of Christ be upon you all, Amen, Amen, Amen, Selah!!!!!!!!!


Amen, Amen, Amen, Selah!!!!!!!!!


Namaskar Jah Love

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