Home Gesundheit
Unsere Freundin Sundra Kanigowski sendet uns ihre Tageschance, die viele Eltern freuen dürfte:
ADHS - eine Erfindung?
Augen auf - und durch! Nun sickert es auch von wissenschaftlicher Seite durch, dass es ADHS gar nicht gibt... dabei war es soooo bequem für alle
Namaskar jah Love
A Comment Tageschance
Obama Care:
Congrats to the Decission of the American People to Obama Care!!!!!!!!!
You know funny as it may sound, if we were to say that there is a lot of money to earn in the schooling of those who have decided the Obama Care, mayby a lot of German Gesundheits Versicherungs Firmen (Health Care Insurance Firms) would be knocking at your door, but if we were to say that there is no money to earn and that it's all about the Health Care of the People, mayby only the best of those Firms would Apply for the job, because of their Interest for the People. Take our Advice and choose only the Best of them. Oh! Did we hear the IKK, the AOK and the Barmer shout out we are the Best? Believe us Mr. President Obama,Take only the Best and make out of Obama Care an Universal Health care!!!!!!!!!
God bless the American People!!!!!!!!!
God Bless Obama`s Universal Health Care!!!!!!!!!
Namaskar Jah Love
Es wäre eine Sensation. Forschern ist es erstmals gelungen, Viren zu erzeugen, mit denen sie gezielt Krebs-Stammzellen infizieren und abtöten können. Mit Viren, die uns eigentlich krankmachen, also womöglich Leben retten? Jean Rommelaere, vom Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrum Heidelberg, erklärt, wie das funktionieren soll.
Hier das Video von n-tv.de:
Quelle: n-tv.de