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A Comment Tageschance
Blessed is the Year 2018:
Blessed is the Year 2018, for the Lord Christ have Blessed it!!!!!!!!!
Blessed are the Hearts of all Humanity and all Creation, for the Love of Christ shall Stream Through them!!!!!!!!!
Blessed is the Earth, for She is the Bride of the Lord Christ!!!!!!!!!
Blessed are the Heavens, for they are his Thrones!!!!!!!!!
Blessed is the Holy Father God, for He Ruleth all Things!!!!!!!!!
Blessed is the Prinzipal of Sharing, for it shall be Practiced in the Earth!!!!!!!!!
Blessed are Equal Rights and Justice, for they are like the Gods Indra and Brahma!!!!!!!!!
Blessed is the Love, for it is the Office of the Christ!!!!!!!!!
Blessed New Year unto you, 2018!!!!!!!!!
Blessings unto One and All!!!!!!!!!
Namaskar Jah Love
A Comment Tageschance
Christmas Blessings 2017:
Blessed is the Lord God almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Blessed is the Lord Jesus Christ.
Blessed is the Lord Maitreya Buddha the Christ.
Blessed is the Lord Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
Blessed is the Holy Master Djwahl Kuhl
Blessed is the Holy Mother Mary.
Blessed is the Holy Mary Magdaline.
Blessed is the Holy Lady Quan Yin
Blessed is the Holy Lady Shing High.
Blessed be the Holy Dragon.
Blessed are all the Churches, Mosques, Tempels, Synagouges, Shrines, Ashrams and all their Religions and their Peoples World wide.
Blessed are all the Nations and their Folks.
Blessed are the Masters of Wisdom and the Herarchy of the Masters of Wisdom.
Blessed are the Angels of the Heavens.
Blessed are the 24 Elderly and the 24 Dimensions.
Blessed is the Pope Francis.
Blessed is the Dalai Lama.
Blessed is all Humanity.
Blessed is the Earth and all what is in and on Her.
Blessed are all Nature and all Creatures on Earth.
Blessed is the United Nations and all the Helping Organizations of the Earth.
Blessed are the Poor and those who suffer for the sake of Poverty. May yee all be fed, cloth, healed, sheltered, and educated.
Be Blessed all yee at this Solem and Holy time of Christmas.
Namaskar Jah Love
A Comment Tageschance
Blessed is the day:
In the Name of the Holy King of Salem, the High Priest of God, the Christ Melchezedek, the Lord Maitreya Buddha the World Teacher, be the day Blessed!!!!!!!!!
Blessed be the Churches of God in the Name of the Christ!!!!!!!!!
Blessed are all the Priest and Priesterin of the Earth in the Name of the Hight Priest of the Order of the Christ Melchezedek Maitreya Buddha!!!!!!!!!
Blessed be all Humanity and all Nature!!!!!!!!!
Namaskar Jah Love